Many developers are tasked with juggling dozens of repos that may exist on multiple services and potential multiple accounts within a single service. Utilizing standard SSH public/private key-pair technology reduces the manual labor of authenticating on every interaction with the service and is the ‘de facto’ mode of connecting and utilizing remote Git repositories. If you manage multiple remote repositories across various remote repository hosting services with multiple accounts, this solution should help keep your dev mind a bit more sane!
Author: bencodesall
Local Push Triggered Build Automation
Jenkins CI, GitHub WebHooks and Proxy Tunneling, … oh My!
It took a bit of research, a little trial and error, and one cool proxy service, but eventually my local build server was responding to pushes like a good CI soldier. Here’s how I did it.
No lions, tigers, or bears where injured during this development.
Loyalty without Honesty is A Null Proposition
So I read this article the other day. Something in it really resonated with me both positively and negatively. It was about the way in which internal organization culture can […]
The Long Road Behind and The Journey Ahead
Life is a journey. Knowing ourselves, our past, our present, and our potential futures are key to focusing in on walking the long hard road towards mastery.
The Journey Begins
Thanks for joining me! Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton